blog no. 36: Ed Asner, New York in Song, Poet Jericho Brown

To get the most out of this blog, please click on many of the images, underlined words, etc. for links to more information, interviews, music, etc.

three things we love

Ed Asner

The world lost a true humanitarian and a great actor last weekend--one of my absolute favorites: Ed Asner. It turns out he was one of Michael Moore's favorites too...Read here the statement Moore released upon learning of Asner's passing.

I happen to have a great Ed Asner story of my own which highlights my chutzpah, starting at a young age: I was living in Barcelona (where I lived from 1980-1985) and saw on the news that Ed Asner was in town. Being someone I really admired, not only due to his role as Lou Grant, but also because he was a political activist and always on the "right" side of political fights, he reminded me so much of my Dad. And because I was missing my father so much and I thought they were very similar in personality, political beliefs, etc, I thought--maybe I would try and find out where he was staying and just go over there and see if I could run into him..." My first guess of hotel was correct--The Ritz--and before I had even just asked if he was a guest, they put me through to his room and the next thing I knew he was on the other end of the phone. I stumbled with words before blurting out--I am an American, living in Barcelona, and you remind me so much of my dad...I was wondering, could I take you out to breakfast (thinking if I asked for breakfast, he wouldn't thing I was trying to pick him up). The next thing I knew he said, fine, but why didn't I come to his hotel and we could have breakfast there and he would take me out..." I coudn't believe my luck--I was goig to meet one of my idols! Next morning came around, we had a great breakfast and great conversation, and then he was due for an interview on a radio show. Since I knew Barcelona, he asked if I would go with him to show him where it was. When we got there, the interpreter didn't show up and the next thing I knew, I was filling in for the missing translater! I don't think I did a good job (that is no easy profession) and I remember speaking Spanish when I was supposed to be speaking English and vice versa), but we got through it and I guess I did good enough that he asked if I was free--maybe I could accompany him around Barcelona, kind of like his guide and assistant. Well, I said SURE! and I ended up spending the next three days with him, going around to different interviews, meetings, etc. You see, the TV show Lou Grant was a big deal in Spain too and the Spanish people loved him! One of the highlights of my time was going along to the Liceu, Barcelona's Opera House and sitting in on a dress rehearsal with Placido Domingo performing. Joan Baez happened to be in town also, and becaue famous people form some kind of club, she was invited to come too. I got to meet them both and sit in on a behind the scenes rehearsal--so much fun!
One other thing I learned for sure during that time: it is not fun to be famous. Ed's son, Matt, flew into town (I think he had been in Russia) to be with his Dad, and all they wanted to do was to spend some nice time together. Asner was so flooded by people asking for his autograph all the time and being the nice guy that he was, he didn't want to say no, so he ended up being interrupted every minute and not being able to really be with his son. I realized then and there that being recognized all the time is a curse, not a pleasure...  

New York in Song

Photo courtesy Shutterstock

Photo courtesy Shutterstock

I do feel like an ostrich but I am needing a break right now from the news--just too much for my sensitive soul. As music seems to always do the trick, here is a smattering of some of my favorite songs about the city I love..To wake you up and get you out of bed this morning, the good old Ramones' and Rockaway Beach. And then let's go to the beautiful song The Only Living Boy in New York by Simon and Garfunkel. I am sure you are not surprised to see Leonard on this list too, in the Jennifer Warnes version of First We Take Manhattan and from his Songs of Love and Hate album, Famous Blue Raincoat. I haven't heard Joni Mitchell's Chelsea Morning in a long time. And of course how could I leave out the good old standards by Billy Joel, Frank Sinatra. and Duke Ellington's Take the A Train. And just to round it out with a different genre, a collaboration of Jay-Z and Alicia Keyes Empire State of Mind and a celebration of hiphop history from way back in 1987 entitled South Bronx.

Poet Jericho Brown

Jericho Brown.  Photo courtesy © Brian Cornelius

Jericho Brown. Photo courtesy © Brian Cornelius

Krista Tippett is a font of knowledge and her podcast ON BEING is my go to when I am looking for a little spiritual boost or a kick in the ass to keep going. I tuned in and found this great conversation from their archives between her and Pulitzer Prize winning poet Jericho Brown. Listen to it here.

Poetry is one of those things that most people are afraid of for some reason or another--Brown describes that when he gets on a plane, a sure way to not be bothered by others is to say right away that he is a poet...He says a lot of things too that make a lot of sense to me and I quote a few of those here: On the subject of hope: “Hope is always accompanied by the imagination . The will to see what our physical environment seems to deem impossible. Only the creative mind can make use of hope, only a creative people can yield it…”
His definition of integrity: the ability to be who you are, no matter the audience" and on writing: "you haven’t written anything until you say something you didn’t expect to say—and that is the beginning…" and "the more authentically and deeply we can speak from our particular experience, we speak to the particular experience of others….not quite logical that it should work that way..."

It is not often that poetry makes Time Magazine. Here is one poem of his that did:

by Jericho Brown

My mother grew morning glories that spilled onto the
walkway toward her porch
Because she was a woman with land who showed as much
by giving it color.
She told me I could have whatever I worked for. That
means she was an American.
But she’d say it was because she believed
In God. I am ashamed of America
And confounded by God. I thank God for my citizenship in spite
Of the timer set on my life to write
These words: I love my mother. I love black women
Who plant flowers as sheepish as their sons. By the time the blooms
Unfurl themselves for a few hours of light, the women who tend them
Are already at work. Blue. I’ll never know who started the lie that we are lazy,
But I’d love to wake that bastard up
At foreday in the morning, toss him in a truck, and drive him under God
Past every bus stop in America to see all those black folk
Waiting to go work for whatever they want. A house? A boy
To keep the lawn cut? Some color in the yard? My God,
we leave things green.

Brown, a Louisiana native, is the author of The New Testament and Please

Worth a listen too also is a virtual conversation he had with Nikky Finney, his old writing teacher, an an acclaimed poet and award winner herself .

painting of the week

Gert Mathiesen, mixed media monoprint on rice paper, available in giclee print only, 70” x 44” approx. $4500.

Gert Mathiesen, mixed media monoprint on rice paper, available in giclee print only, 70” x 44” approx. $4500.

Small Framed Animal Prints

on sale this week: $100 each (reduced from $150)--email to get discount

Please donate to the Innocence Project

Another Self Portrait going grey in the time of Covid…

About The Author

New York City based contemporary artist, Pam Smilow created the creative lifestyle blog “things we love” in an effort to foster a sense of community during times of isolation and reflection. To read more about her and her art, visit her website and check out the essay written by the Hammond Museum's Frank Matheis entitled The Sophisticated Innocence of Pam Smilow.

blog no. 35: Archie Williams, Simon & Garfunkel Live, 101 Year Old Lobsterwoman

To get the most out of this blog, please click on many of the images, underlined words, etc. for links to more information, interviews, music, etc.

three things we love

Archie Williams

Due to technology associated with DNA identification, the first DNA exonerations of wrongfully incarcerated men in the United States took place in 1989. Barry Scheck and Peter Neufeld (of OJ Simpson trial fame) founded the Innocence Project soon after as a clinic at the Cardoza School of Law in New York City, realizing that if DNA technology could prove people guilty of crimes, it could also prove that people who had been wrongfully convicted were innocent.
I first became familiar with Archie Williams by hearing him sing in a video on youtube. Everyone has a story but this man has a whopper of one! His rendition of the song Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me by Elton John and Bernie Taupin was impressive enough on America's Got Talent, but what was more notable and tragic was the fact that he was incarcerated for 37 YEARS for a crime he did not commit. Read his story here…Simon Cowell was so taken by this man and his story that he became a Board member on the Innocence Project, who took on Archie Williams' case (among many others) and eventually got so many of them freed.  

Simon and Garfunkel Live in Central Park

In honor of the Central Park concert that wasn’t last week, I thought I would give you access to one that did take place in the same venue...albeit a number of years ago. Simon & Garfunkel performed to a crowd of 500,000+ in 1981. It was a glorious event! Listen to it and enjoy it all over again here.

101 Year Old Lobsterwoman

Ginny Oliver—she always wears her earrings and lipstick to haul

Ginny Oliver—she always wears her earrings and lipstick to haul

Click photo above to see the documentary Conversations with the Lobster Lady

Click photo above to see the documentary Conversations with the Lobster Lady

I have been hanging around and appreciating 90+ year olds lately--so much experience and wisdom after so many years on our planet. I am reminded too of John Prine's song Hello In There--also sung so beautifully by Joan Baez among others--and how often our culture ignores these wise old souls. In the midst of trying to find out if lobsters sleep and what they do in the winter, I came across this story.
At the ripe old age of 101, Virginia (Ginny) Oliver is the oldest licensed lobsterwoman in the State of Maine. She has been lobstering one way or another since she was eight years old and has worked alongside her 76 year old son Max for many years now, since the death of her husband. "I will work until the day I die," she affirms...Aside from being the subject of many news stories celebrating her and her life, thanks to Filmmaker Dale Schierholt along with Rockland, Maine's historal society's boardmember Wayne Gray, we also have a beautiful 30-minute documentary of this amazing woman entitled Conversations with the Lobster Lady. Well worth watching for a little inspiration and information on the profession."

painting of the week

Pam Smilow, Dress Series : Amate Paper with Leaves and Bird, mixed media on paper   $1500

Pam Smilow, Dress Series : Amate Paper with Leaves and Bird, mixed media on paper $1500

artSHOP: Cotton Duvet Cover or Comforter

Please donate to the Innocence Project

Another Self Portrait going grey in the time of Covid…

About The Author

New York City based contemporary artist, Pam Smilow created the creative lifestyle blog “things we love” in an effort to foster a sense of community during times of isolation and reflection. To read more about her and her art, visit her website and check out the essay written by the Hammond Museum's Frank Matheis entitled The Sophisticated Innocence of Pam Smilow.

blog no. 34: Gary Graham, Mary Oliver, Dhar Mann

To get the most out of this blog, please click on many of the images, underlined words, etc. for links to more information, interviews, music, etc.

three things we love

Fashion Designer Gary Graham

Clothing Designer Gary Graham

Clothing Designer Gary Graham

Clothing designed on Making the Cu, Photo courtesy of LATimes

Clothing designed on Making the Cu, Photo courtesy of LATimes

Courtesy Vogue Magazine

Courtesy Vogue Magazine

I am very interested in the process of creativity, no matter what field. I never thought of myself a fan of reality tv but I do really enjoy watching shows like Top Chef (cooking competition) and Project Runway (clothing design). I was very excited to see that a designer I have met and admired very much over the years, Gary Graham, was one of the contestants on Making the Cut, a fashion designer competition hosted by Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn. He has been aptly described as a designer with a visionary eye of a fine artist and I wholeheartedly agree. Some of my favorite articles of clothing are designed by him. He not only designs beautiful garments but there are intellectual thoughts and stories behind his process and he also is creates the fabric and prints that they are made of. For many years he had a loyal following out of his own shop in Tribeca (and ABC Carpet and Home), but has now relocated to upstate Franklin, New York, opening Graham 422, "a site-specific creative endeavor dedicated to creating small-batch collections of hand-finished garments using antique textiles and custom jacquards." I just finished binge watching the whole season 2 of Making the Cut (season 1 is good too) and it just confirms to me that Graham is a creative genius. It is interesting to see that what is usually the most popular is often not the most (spoiler alert) innovative and interesting...

Poet Mary Oliver

Poet Mary Oliver.  Photo courtesy Boston Globe

Poet Mary Oliver. Photo courtesy Boston Globe

Probably shouldn't be writing this as I sit smack in the middle of New York City, but having spent quite a bit of time in Maine this past year, I have rediscovered the importance of nature in my life and now know that getting out of the city is essential to my wellbeing.

With Thanks to the Field Sparrow, Whose Voice is so Delicate and Humble
by Mary Oliver
I do not live happily or comfortably
with the cleverness of our times.
The talk is all about computers,
the news is all about bombs and blood.
This morning, in the fresh field, I came upon a hidden nest.
It held four warm, speckled eggs.
I touched them.
Then went away softly,
having felt something more wonderful
than all the electricity of New York City.

Dhar Mann

Dhar Mann

Dhar Mann

In the course of doing research for this blog, I often fall upon unexpected things that take me to new and different places. Recently I have kept coming across videos from one of the highest viewed content creators in the world, Dhar Mann. I got curious and wanted to find out more about him and his moral lesson videos that are spreading across the internet like wildfire--he happens to be one of the highest viewed content creators in the world with over 23 billion views. These videos out of the Dhar Mann Studios contain lessons about fat shaming, bullying, and racism, among other current topics. They may come across as simplistic and obvious, but if he can teach one person to look at something with a little more empathy and compassion, it is all worth it and I think his audience is meant for the younger generation.
When I looked deeper into the person that is Dhar Mann, I discovered a real interesting life story--this unique, driven entrepreneurial man has a real fascinating story to tell about himself, his background, his motivations, successes and failures over the course of his existence so far. He had me captivated in this one hour interview with Lewis Howes. Seldom do you encouter a more colorful character!

painting of the week

Pam Smilow, Tree of Life Series, mixed media on paper mounted onto canvas, $4000.

Pam Smilow, Tree of Life Series, mixed media on paper mounted onto canvas, $4000.

artSHOP: tree of life series

Donate to Help Families in Afghanistan

Another Self Portrait going grey in the time of Covid…

About The Author

New York City based contemporary artist, Pam Smilow created the creative lifestyle blog “things we love” in an effort to foster a sense of community during times of isolation and reflection. To read more about her and her art, visit her website and check out the essay written by the Hammond Museum's Frank Matheis entitled The Sophisticated Innocence of Pam Smilow.