This is an eclectic blog. The different entries might seem disjointed and unrelated at times. All I can say is this is a journey into my brain and memories of things I have loved over the years throughout my whole life. So far it seems like a bottomless font and I am amazed and what is showing up! I hope it is bringing you at least some of the pleasure that it is bringing me...
Our Giveaway Collaborators, A.Gallo Colors, has a restock sale beginning today, Sunday February 28, 2021. Click on their name to see their offerings and buy these amazing paints beginning at 10am--don't hesitate as they sell out almost immediately...
three things we love
My late husband, Gert Mathiesen, was a passionate guy and he got very excited about things. This story of the musician Sixto Rodriguez in the movie Searching for Sugar Man caught his attention in a big way and was his subject of choice in the days leading up to Gert's sudden death of an aneurysm in 2013--he said he thought it was the most incredible story of the 20th century. Take the time to watch this amazing movie and story (it costs $3.99 on Amazon Prime) and judge for yourself. I don't want to say too much more about it before you see it.
Talk about unrelated--here's a crazy brownie recipe that you probably will make a face at on first glance. Believe me, I almost didn't try it myself but I have some relatives that are gluten free so I baked these before one of our family holiday getaways. Make them and then don't tell anyone what is in it and I guarantee you they will never guess the ingredients--they are as fudgy and delicious as you would expect of any brownie and very low on weight watcher points to boot! One tip: don't skimp on the chocolate chips...
I was first introduced to Harry Belafonte as a kid when I would see my dad sitting down in our living room, sparkly red set of bongos between his knees, drumming along to the beat of calypso music--most usually Harry Belafonte. He was always a hero in my family, not just for his music but for his unrelentless activism, which continues to this day as he turns 94. As an old friend of his, Bo Taylor, once noted, "from the time he got up to the time he went to sleep, he would always be seeking out the injustices done to humankind…"
A few years back, a wonderful documentary came out about him, called Sing Your Song. The talented filmmaker, Susanne Rostock, happens to be a friend of mine who I met through National Dance Institute (both our kids participated in their dance program). To quote her, "Harry is so full of optimism and his optimism is makes you want to join him..." And if you want to immerse yourself totally, for $25, join the virtual celebration today Sunday February 28th at 7pm ET for his surprise 94th birthday party including Usher, JayZ among many others... Tickets available here
painting of the week
If anyone is considering purchase of a new piece of art and/or just wants to see how it will look, I have a nifty new tool that enables me to transpose a painting on your wall without moving an inch from my desk (or yours). All I need is an email from you including a straight on photo of your wall (with some of the room around it for context) you will see instantly how art uplifts, excites, transforms and inspires...No purchase necessary if you want to just play around...
photo by Johanna Resnick Rosen
About The Author
New York City based contemporary artist, Pam Smilow created the creative lifestyle blog “things we love” in an effort to foster a sense of community during times of isolation and reflection. To read more about her, check out the essay written by the Hammond Museum's Frank Matheis entitled The Sophisticated Innocence of Pam Smilow.