Superhuman Geniuses
If you ever doubt the the capabilities of the human mind, just take a look this video. Meet five of the most mind bending people on this earth with extraordinary and extreme talents most people couldn't even imagine. How do they do it? Where does this come from?
Arkiana Kramarik, self taught art prodigy
Reliable Media Sources
In this day and age where facts are not always facts, it is important to trust where we get our news. Here are the go-to sources according to Robert Hubbell, writer of a daily newsletter about current events entitled Today's Edition, that appears in my inbox every morning.
Hubbell's List:
"Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo, Ian Millhiser (Vox), Dahlia Lithwick and Mark Joseph Stern of Slate, Charlie Sykes and Jonathan Last (Bulwark), David Frum (Atlantic), Philip Rotner (various sources), Jennifer Rubin and Eugene Robinson of WaPo, Lawrence O’Donnell, Rachel Maddow, Chris Hayes, Neal Katyal (all of MSNBC), Dennis Aftergut and Laurence Tribe (various sources), Democracy Docket, the trio of commentators Joyce Vance, Barbara McQuade, and Jill Wine-Banks of #SistersInLaw, as well as Joyce Vance’s Civil Discourse, and many others.
As to independent voices, I frequently consult and promote Heather Cox Richardson, Dan Rather, Tim Snyder, Judd Legum, and Katelyn Jetelina (all of Substack).
Jessica Craven of ChopWoodCarryWater is in a category of her own for her constant bias toward action.
And despite my frequent criticism, I always check the the New York Times and the Washington Post on major stories."
Chicken Marbella Recipe
(from the classic
Silver Palate Cookbook)
This is a sure bet recipe to make when you are having people over. I am going to make it for my book club this coming Thursday and I hope they like it as much as I do...
(makes 6 to 8 servings)
½ cup olive oil
½ cup red wine vinegar
1 cup pitted prunes
½ cup pitted Spanish green olives
½ cup capers, with a bit of juice
6 bay leaves
1 head of garlic, peeled and puréed
½ cup fresh oregano, chopped, or ¼ cup dried oregano
2 teaspoons of salt
¼ teaspoon freshly ground pepper
2 chickens, 3½ to 4 pounds each, quartered
1 cup dry white wine
1 cup brown sugar
2 tablespoons finely chopped flat-leaf parsley
Step 1
In a large bowl, combine the olive oil, vinegar, prunes, olives, capers and juice, bay leaves, garlic, oregano, salt and pepper. Add the chicken pieces and turn to coat. Refrigerate overnight.
Step 2
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Arrange the chicken in a single layer in a shallow roasting pan; spoon the marinade over it evenly. Pour in the wine and sprinkle the chicken with the brown sugar.
Step 3
Bake until the thigh pieces yield clear yellow juice when pricked with a fork, 50 to 60 minutes, basting two or three times with the pan juices once the chicken begins to brown. (When basting, do not brush off the sugar. If the chicken browns too quickly, cover lightly with foil.)
Step 4
Transfer the chicken pieces to a warm serving platter and top with the prunes, olives and capers; keep warm. Place the roasting pan over medium heat and bring the pan juices to a boil. Reduce to about ½ cup. Strain into a heatproof bowl, add the parsley and pour over the chicken.
Painting of the Week
This is an early piece, oil and mixed media on handmade paper, I did way back in the late 1980’s. I always included a Muybridge photograph as part of the collage elements in this series of abstract work.
Charity of the Week:
Earthquake Victims
About The Author
New York City based contemporary artist, Pam Smilow, began writing the creative lifestyle blog “things we love” in an effort to foster a sense of community during times of isolation and reflection. To read more about her and her art, visit her website and check out the essay written by the Hammond Museum's Frank Matheis entitled The Sophisticated Innocence of Pam Smilow.