blog no. 44: Beautiful Duets, Republicans Plead with Republicans, Val Jackson Textile Art

I am in California

through November 12th, 2021

Please contact me if you would like to book a private appointment to see the art in the quiet of your own home, are interested in hosting a small art gathering or would like to join a viewing in your area.

To get the most out of this blog, please click on many of the images, underlined words, etc. for links to more information, interviews, music, etc.

three things we love

Beautiful Duets

James Taylor and Carly Simon

Joan Baez and Paul Simon

John Prine and Bonnie Raitt sing John Prine’s Angel from Montgomery

Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper sing Shallow from the movie A Star is Born

Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton singing Islands in the Stream

And it wouldn’t be complete without including a real blast from the past: Sonny and Cher

So many more I could include here...Enjoy!

Republicans Plead with Fellow Republicans

Miles Davis, author of Anonymous

Save Our Democracy!
If any of you have friends who are Republicans, perhaps you will consider sharing this op-ed that ran in the New York Times and the Washington Post about a week ago. It is written by Christine Todd Whitman (former Governor of New Jersey) and Miles Taylor, (who served in the Department of Homeland Security from 2017 to 2019), two former Republicans urging their fellow Republicans who still value democracy to vote Democratic until the authoritarian faction that has taken over their party is bled out of it. From the New York Times October 11th, 2021:

"After Donald Trump’s defeat, there was a measure of hope among Republicans who opposed him that control of the party would be up for grabs, and that conservative pragmatists could take it back. But it’s become obvious that political extremists maintain a viselike grip on the national and state parties and the process for fielding and championing House and Senate candidates in next year’s elections. Rational Republicans are losing the party civil war. And the only near-term way to battle pro-Trump extremists is for all of us to team up on key races and overarching political goals with our longtime political opponents: the Democrats. This year we joined more than 150 conservatives — including former governors, senators, congressmen, cabinet secretaries, and party leaders — in calling for the Republican Party to divorce itself from Trumpism or else lose our support, perhaps with us forming a new political party. Rather than return to founding ideals, Republican leaders in the House and in many states have now turned belief in conspiracy theories and lies about stolen elections into a litmus test for membership and running for office. Starting a new center-right party may prove to be the last resort if Trump-backed candidates continue to win Republican primaries. We and our allies have debated the option of starting a new party for months and will continue to explore its viability in the long run. Unfortunately, history is littered with examples of failed attempts at breaking the two-party system, and in most states today the laws do not lend themselves easily to the creation and success of third parties."

Val Jackson Textile Art

I love these red pants by Val Jackson

Three Dimensional piece by Val Jackson

So much of the fun of writing this blog for me is discovering new things to love and coming across inspiration in all different places. Since I am chiefly a visual person, my favorite social media for browsing is pinterest and I discovered Val Jackson's incredible embroidery art there.

Jackson is an artist based in Liverpool who recycles clothing into items of storytelling, history and drama, like epic tapestries. This is how she describes herself in her own words:

"My work represents an exploration of the relationship between memory and clothing and their corresponding decay. Currently I am investigating memories of childhood and youth in the 1950's and 60's through garments, accessories and larger memorabilia, such as houses and cars." 

painting of the week

Pam Smilow, Flower Power Series I-IV, mixed media on paper, $1500 each/$5000 for the series

Get a head start on holiday shopping. Visit our artSHOP including silk blend scarves, table runners, cutting boards, memory card games, pouches, pillows, bedding, & more…

Donate to The Coalition for the Homeless

Another Self Portrait going grey in the time of Covid…

About The Author

New York City based contemporary artist, Pam Smilow created the creative lifestyle blog “things we love” in an effort to foster a sense of community during times of isolation and reflection. To read more about her and her art, visit her website and check out the essay written by the Hammond Museum's Frank Matheis entitled The Sophisticated Innocence of Pam Smilow.